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, by testing

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Video To GIF Converter Portable Free

, by testing

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Video To GIF Converter is portable, so bloggers can use anywhere and of course can be taken anywhere. In addition to convert video to gif, Video To GIF Converter also features several supporting features, such as cutting the video, resize, giving effect etc.. (

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Download Video To GIF Converter - Convert Video To GIF

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keyboard shortcut for ubuntu

, by testing


Ctrl+A = Select all (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+C = Copy (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+V = Paste (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)

Ctrl+N = New (Create a new document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+O = Open (Open a document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+S = Save (Save the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+P = Print (Print the current document, not in terminal)

Ctrl+E = Send To... (Send the current document to an email recipient or remote location, not in terminal)
Ctrl+W = Close (Close the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+Q = Quit (Quit the application, not in terminal)

Ctrl + Alt + F1 = Switch to the first virtual terminal
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = Select the different virtual terminals
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = Switch to current terminal session with X

Ctrl+Alt++ = Switch to next X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)
Ctrl+Alt+- = Switch to previous X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace = Kill X server

Alt+Tab = Switch between open programs
Printscrn = Print sreen

Command line / Terminal shortcuts

Ctrl+C = Kill process (Kill the current process in terminal, also used to copy elsewhere)
Ctrl+Z = Send process to background
Ctrl+D = Log out from the current terminal. In X, this may log you out after a shuting down the emulator.

Ctrl+A = Home (Move cursor to beginning of line)
Ctrl+E = End (Move cursor to end of line)
Tab = List available commands from typed letters (Ex: type iw and click tab, output = iwconfig iwevent iwgetid iwlist iwpriv iwspy)

Ctrl+U = Delete current line
Ctrl+K = Delete current line from cursor
Ctrl+W = Delete word before cursor in terminal (Terminal only, also used to close the current document elsewhere)

Arrows up and down = Browse command history
Ctrl+R = History search (Finds the last command matching the letters you type)

Shift+PageUp / PageDown = Scroll terminal output
Ctrl+L = Clears terminal output
Shift+insert = Paste


Mousewheel click or 3rd mouse button = Paste selected text (Select any text in any window and paste where you want. Terminal / Firefox / Gnome apps)

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Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

, by testing


Windows system key combinations
• F1: Help
• CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu
• ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs
ALT+F4: Quit program
• SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently

Windows program key combinations
• CTRL+C: Copy
• CTRL+X: Cut
• CTRL+V: Paste
• CTRL+Z: Undo
• CTRL+B: Bold
CTRL+U: Underline
• CTRL+I: Italic

Mouse click/keyboard modifier combinations for shell objects

• SHIFT+right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands
• SHIFT+double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)
• ALT+double click: Displays properties.
• SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

General keyboard-only commands

• F1: Starts Windows Help
• F10: Activates menu bar options
• SHIFT+F10: Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
• CTRL+ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
• CTRL+ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
• ALT+DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box
• ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
• SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
• ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window’s System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
• ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window’s System menu (from the MDI child window’s System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
• CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
• ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
• ALT+F4: Closes the current window
• CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
• ALT+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)

Shell objects and general folder/Windows Explorer shortcuts
For a selected object:
• F2: Rename object
• F3: Find all files
• CTRL+X: Cut
• CTRL+C: Copy
• CTRL+V: Paste
• SHIFT+DELETE: Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin
• ALT+ENTER: Open the properties for the selected object

General folder/shortcut control
F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
• F5: Refreshes the current window.
• F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
• CTRL+G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
• CTRL+Z: Undo the last command
• CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window
• BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
• SHIFT+click+Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders

Windows Explorer tree control
• Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
• Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
• Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
• RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
• LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent

Properties control
Move through the property tabs
Accessibility shortcuts
• Press SHIFT five times:
Toggles StickyKeys on and off
• Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggles FilterKeys on and off
• Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds: Toggles ToggleKeys on and off
• Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: Toggles MouseKeys on and off
• Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: Toggles high contrast on and off

Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys
• Windows Logo: Start menu
• Windows Logo+R: Run dialog box
• Windows Logo+M: Minimize all
• SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all
• Windows Logo+F1: Help
• Windows Logo+E: Windows Explorer
• Windows Logo+F: Find files or folders
• Windows Logo+D: Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
• CTRL+Windows Logo+F: Find computer
• CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
• Windows Logo+TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons
• Windows Logo+Break: System Properties dialog box
• Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item

Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType software installed
• Windows Logo+L: Log off Windows
• Windows Logo+P: Starts Print Manager
• Windows Logo+C: Opens Control Panel
• Windows Logo+V: Starts Clipboard
• Windows Logo+K: Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box
• Windows Logo+I: Opens Mouse Properties dialog box
• Windows Logo+A: Starts Accessibility Options (if installed)
• Windows Logo+SPACEBAR: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
• Windows Logo+S: Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off

Dialog box keyboard commands
• TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
• SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
• SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
• ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
• ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
• ALT+underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to the corresponding item

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review Film Watchmen

, by testing

Di dalam ilmu komunikasi, kita selalu mendengar adanya perkataan yang mengatakan bahwa kita harus menghargai perbedaan. Dan di dalam film ini, kita akan melihat sebuah contoh nyata dari kata-kata itu. Sesuatu yang cukup menakjubkan.

Film ini sebelum muncul dipasaran sudah cukup menyita perhatian. Tentu saja ini mungkin ada kaitannya dengan komunikasi pemasaran. Yang menonjolkan marketing yang kuat agar tecapai kesuksesan sebuah film. Dan menurut saya, strategi komunikasi itu cukup sukses.

Scene dimulai dengan adegan pembunuhan terhadap comedian. Salah satu dari para pahlawan super yang tergabung dalam kelompok watchmen. Namun jika kita mengikuti laur dalam film, nantinya pasti akan sedikit memusingkan. Karena itu, saya putuskan untuk membuat runtutan cerita yang sudah disesuaikan dari awal sampai akhir, tanpa ada adegan flashback lagi.

Film ini mengambil setting waktu pada tahun 1985an di mana saat itu sedang terjadi perang dingin. Dan di Amerika saat itu didirikan sebuah perkumpulan pahlawan super yang menamakan diri mereka sebagai Watchmen. Layaknya pahlawan super khas Amerika, mereka mengenakan topeng dan kostum yang aneh dan seperti badut. Namun tidak seperti pahlawan pada umumnya yang selalu hatinya suci dan hanya memikirkan kebaikan, pahlawan kita dalam film ini cukup berbeda. Mereka bisa dibilang lebih mirip sekelompok preman dengan duka masa lalu yang kelam dan sedih. Mereka memiliki masalah sendiri-sendiri dengan diri mereka.

Anggota watchmen sendiri adalah Dr Manhattan, Ozmandian, Rorschach, Night owl II, Silk spectre II, dan Comedian. Walaupun mereka memang kuat, tapi seperti yang saya katakana tadi, jiwa mereka sangat-sangat tidak sehat. Dan untuk film ini, ternyata cerita tidak jauh-jauh hanya diantara mereka saja. Karena itu, mari kita bahas tokoh ini satu-satu.

Dr Manhattan adalah sseorang ilmuwan yang mengalami kecelakaan terhadap penemuannya. Sebuah cara yang klasikal untuk menciptakan seseorang dengan kekuatan super. Karena kejadian itu, dia kemudian memiliki keuatan maha dahsyat yang menyerupai Tuhan. Dia dapat merubah semua elemen di dunia ini menjadi seperti apa yang dikehendakinya. Dapat pergi ke Mars hanya dalam hitungan detik. Membunuh manusia layaknya memncet satu tombol pada keyboard, dan lainnya. Karena kekuatannya itulah, dia kemudian menjadi kehilangan gairahnya terhadap kemanusiaan. Dia lebih tertarik dengan pengetahuan metafisiknya dari pada mengurusi masalah kemanusiaan. Seakan-akan dia sudah bukan bagian dari manusia lagi. Pada akhir cerita pun, dia memilih untuk pergi keluar galaksi. Wajah tak berekspresi yang cocok untuk karakter ini dimainkan dengan cukup baik oleh Billy Crudup.

Ozmandian adalah seorang yang dianggap oleh para pahlawan sebagai orang terpintar di dunia. Dan bisa dibilang dia adalah pemimpin diantara para watchmen. Dengan kepintaran dan kekuatannya dia mencoba menyatukan ego dari masing-masing anggota. Bisa dibilang dia adalah yang cukup waras dibanding yang lainnya. Namun karena kepintarannya itulah, dia sering mengesampingkan nyawa manusia. Baginya dalam sebuah proses kedamaian harus ada korban. Aapakah besar ataukah kecil, korban itu dia anggap hanya sebagi collateral damage. Diperankan dengan wajah jenius dan tenang Matthew Goode.

Rorschach, adalah salah satu pahlawan super yang paling teguh dalam memegang ideologinya di sini. Dia adalah tipe main hakim sendiri yang tidak akan segan-segan untuk membunuh semua orang yang dia anggap bersalah. Seorang pemuja keadilan yang mempunyai masa lalu yang teramat kelam. Di mana dia (mungkin)adalah seorang anak haram dari pelacur. Dia sudah cukup gigih memperjuangkan keadilannya bahkan sebelum watchmen ada. Dan setelah watchmen bubar pun, dia masih bergerak secara illegal untuk menghukum para penjahat yang bertebaran di luar sana. Dengan ideology sosialisnya itu, dia menjadi cukup terkenal dikalangan para penjahat. Hal itu dapat terlihat pada saat dia masuk di penjara karena dijebak, dia mendapat sambutan yang cukup “baik” dari para teman lamanya di penjara itu. Diperankan dengan luar biasa baik oleh Jackie Earle Haley, seorang artis cilik pada tahun 70an yang memang sudah menjadi penggemar cerita ini sejak dari komik.

Night owl II adalah bisa dibilang orang yang paling polos di antara pahlawan super lainnya. Dia dengan impian simpelnya tentang dunia dan amerika. Cukup bodoh untuk bisa dibilang pahlawan super yang memiliki maslah dengan masa lalu. Bisa dibilang jiwanya cukup sehat. Dia seperti mendapat semangat untuk kembali beraksi menjadi pahlawna super setelah tidur bersama Silk Spctre II. Diperankan oleh Stephen McHattie.

Silk Spectre II, adalah anak dari Silk Spectre yang merupakan pahlawan pada periode pertama yang gagal bersinar di Amerika. Dia sendiri merupakan gadis pujaan dari Dr Manhattan yang mampu menaklukkan hatinya. Namun setelah merasa tidak cukup nyaman dengan sikap Dr Manhattan yang lebih sibuk dengan metafisiknya. Dia kemudian pergi dan menjalin hubungan dengan Night Owl. Dia cukup punya masalah dengan masa lalunya. Apalagi setelah dia tahu bahwa Comedian adalah ayahnya. Hasil dari perkosaannya terhadap ibunya. Diperankan dengan cukup berani oleh Malin Akerman.

Comedian, bisa dibilang adalah orang yang otaknya paling tidak sehat. Bisa saja itu karena dia terlalu sering meminum minuman keras. Tapi bisa juga itu dikarenakan memang pemikirannya yang sudah kotor. Walaupun diceritakan langsug mati pada scene pertama, namun dia banyak diceritakan di Film ini. Banyak sekali flashback yang menyangkut dirinya. Apalagi saat dia dikuburkan, semua karakter langsung kembali mengingat saat berkesan bersama dirinya. Yang tentu saja, semuanya adalah kenangan buruk. Walaupun disebut pahlawan super, namun kejahatan yang dia buat bisa dibilang lebih parah dibanding penjahat. Membunuh orang-orang tak bersalah, mengahmili wanita semaunya, bahkan membunuhnya setelah itu. Namun ada adegan yang cukup menarik ketika dia curhat dan menangis dihadapan mantan musuh besarnya menyesali semua dosa-dosa yang telah dia perbuat pada malam sebelum dia meninggal. Diperankan dengan wajah mirip penjahat oleh Jeffrey Dean.

Setelah mengetahui karakternya pasti akan lebih mudah untuk menceritakan sinopsisnya. Amerika pada masa setelah mereka menang pada perang Vietnam dan menjadikan presiden Nixon menjadi presiden Amerika ke 5 secara berturut-turut. (tentu saja ini hanya berdasarkan versi film ini) Memilih untuk membubarkan para pahlawan bertopeng. Namun mereka masih menggunakan Dr Manhattan yang bagai dewa itu untuk menggertak Uni Soviet agar tidak meluncurkan nuklirnya. Tapi ternyata, hal itu malah membuat perang dingin semakin memanas. Disitulah kemudian Ozmandyan yang katanya adalah orang paling pintar di dunia, mempunyai gagasan yang jenius dan nekat agar kedamaian bisa terjadi. Dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan Dr Manhattan, dia mencoba membuat sebuah kekuatan yang dapat menghancurkan segalanya. Dia pun membunuh Comedian agar anggota yang lain teralihkan perhatiannya.

Dan benar saja, Rorschach yang mempunyai kecurigaan terhadap terbunuhnya Comedian, langsugn membuat teori bahwa itu adalah sebuah konspirasi untuk menghabisi para anggota Watchmen. Dia pun bergerilya menyelidiki setiap bukti yang mungkin dapat digunakan. Dan kepintaran Ozmandyan lah yang kemudian menjebak Rorschach pada suatu tempat yang kemudian membawanya masuk ke dalam penjara.

Sementara pada bagian lain, taktik Ozmandyan yang jitu juga meyebabkan Dr Manhattan merasa ingin pergi dari manusia dan meninggalkan bumi menuju mars. Hal itu menyebabkan hubungan illegal antara Silk Spectre II dan Nite Owl II menjadi langgeng. Setelah itu, barulah muncul keberanian dari Nite Owl II untuk kembali ke jalur pahlawan dan menyelamatkan Rorschach dari penjara.

Setelah Rorschach berhasil keluar berkat bantuan dari Nite Owl II dan Silk Spectre II, maka Silk Spectre diajak bicara oleh Dr Manhattan di Mars. Dan Rorscach bersama Nite Owl II melanjutkan penyelidikan hingga akhirnya mereka tahu bahwa Ozmandyan adalah dibalik ini semua. Hingga akhirnya mereka berdua menyerbu masuk ke dalam antartika, tempat di mana Ozmandyan menjalankan proyek rahasianya.

Sementara itu di tempat lain, atau tepatnya di planet lain, pembicaraan dari hati ke hati berlangsung antara Silk Spectre II dan Dr Manhattan. Di mana di situ Silk Spectre II akhirnya tahu bahwa dia adalah anak haram dari Comedian. Hal itu sempat membuatnya terpukul, dan dari situ, entah bagaimana, Dr Manhattan merasa mengerti arti dari kemanusiaan. Sehingga dia memutuskan untuk kembali ke bumi dan mencegah Ozmandyan menjalankan rencananya.

Namun ternyata saat mereka sampai di bumi, semuanya sudah terlambat, Ozmandyan terlalu kuat bagi Rorschach dan Nite Owl II. Dia sudah berhasil meluncurkan nuklir kekuatan Dr Manhattannya pada kota-kota besar di dunia. (untungnya Solo tidak termasuk di situ)

Dan lalu Dr Manhattan pun mendatangi Ozmandyan di Antartika. Dan saat hampir terbunuh, Ozmandyan menunjukan siaran langsug televisi yang kemudian menyiarkan hal yang tidak diduga sebelumnya. Karena serangan itu, dunia bersatu melawan musuh bersama : DR MANHATTAN! Dr Manhattan pun paham arti dari itu semua. Semua yang dilakukan oleh Ozmandyan adalah demi kedamaian dunia.

Namun tentu saja, Rorschach tidak dapat menerima kebohongan seperti itu. Walaupun tahu dia akan mati jika melakukannya, dia tetap beranjak pergi dan hendak mengatakan ini semua pada dunia. Dan hal ini mengakibatkannya mati diledakkan oleh Dr Manhattan bersama dengan ideology sosialisnya yang teguh.

Itulah synopsis dari film Watchmen. Cukup menarik bukan? Tapi tentu saja akan lebih menarik jika melihat filmya secara langsung. Mengapa begitu? Karena film ini diproduksi secara luar biasa. Baik dari segi cerita, maupun dari efeknya. Jadi film ini cukup menjadi sebuah contoh yang baik untuk media komunikasi massa. :

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S.S. Lazio: Where Eagles Dare

, by testing

An eagle is released and soars around the Stadio Olympico, swooping through the clear Roman sky, roared on by thousands of fans before majestically flying back to its trainers arms. It is a bizarre and controversial scene, but then again Lazio are no strangers to controversy. The stir the eagle has created amongst animal rights groups is nothing compared to past controversies, a long list including Nazi salutes by players, racist banners and support for Serbian war criminals. Many of these were the acts of a minority group of extreme right-wing ultras but it nevertheless tarnishes the club’s image.

While mired in controversy the club is also steeped in history, being the first club established in Rome in 1900 (they often brag to rivals Roma that Lazio brought football to Rome). In those 110 years however they have only won two Scudetto’s, the most recent of which was in 2000. The current side are looking to build on that and honour this clubs fiery and dramatic past.

Lazio went into the Serie A winter break just three points off leaders Milan, level on points with the other surprise package this year Napoli. After a disappointing season last year, finishing twelfth after flirting with relegation, it is a remarkable turnaround. Under the astute management of veteran Edy Reja the Biancocelesti seem to be finding a potent balance between defensive solidity and attacking flair. The defence isn’t very strong on paper but Reja has them well drilled and Lazio have only conceded 16 league goals. In attack the Aquile have developed something of a fantastic four. Mauro Zarate, while slightly inconsistent, is capable of brilliance best shown in the 3-1 victory over Inter, where he scored twice and linked excellently with Hernanes. Two ageing Italians, attacking midfielder Mauri and striker Floccari, are in the form of their lives playing some exquisite football and providing an invaluable source of creativity and goals. The star, however, is undoubtedly the trequartista Hernanes. The brilliant Brazilian has been in devastating form, scoring 5 times and grabbing 4 assists. With the excellent Christian Ledesma in midfield and strength in depth with Mark Bresciano, Tomas Rocchi and Pasquale Foggia, this Lazio squad is the best at the club for many years.

What has changed since last seasons poor finish? The introduction of Hernanes has been key, offering a link between defence and attack that was sorely missing. A key change has also been made in formation. Reja has dropped his beloved 3-5-2 for for 4-2-3-1 and is reaping the rewards. The four man defence gives the team much more solidity, especially against teams that play with one striker, and enables Lazio to play more directly when required. As noted by Zonal Marking in this post, the lopsided nature of Lazio’s formation is not unlike Brazil’s at the World Cup. While 4-2-3-1 suits them best, Lazio’s ability to play 4-3-1-2 and 3-5-2 could give Reja extra tactical options if needed in games.

Can the current side win it? Serie A is certainly much more competitive than previous years but only time will tell. To draw inspiration they need look no further than the incredible story of the clubs last Scudetto win back in 2000. Back then the circumstances were very different, bankrolled by Sergio Cragnotti and managed by Sven-Goran Ericksson they assembled an expensive side. They had the defensive steel of Alessandro Nesta, the midfield vision of Dejan Stankovic, Pavel Nedved and Juan Veron, as well as the attacking prowess of Marcelo Salas and Simeone Inzaghi. Add to that the incredible set piece ability of Siniša Mihajlović and you had an impressive outfit. However Lazio were still regarded as outsiders compared with the giants of Juventus and Milan, much like todays hopefuls.

Also like the current season the title race was open and competitive and it entered the last two games with Lazio and Juve neck and neck. In the penultimate game controversy struck (not caused by Lazio for a change). Alessandro Del Piero gave Juventus a 1-0 lead at home to Parma but, sensationally, Fabio Cannavaro equalised in injury time. Jubilant Lazio fans were contemplating heading into the final game of the season on level points with Juventus when referee Massimo De Santis (later involved in the match-fixing scandal) controversially disallowed the goal for a phantom push in the penalty area. There was an outcry all over Italy, with accusations of corruption and conspiracy made against Juventus and the referee. Lazio now needed to beat Reggina and hope for an unlikely Perugia win over Juve. With the world apparently against them the Biancocelesti came out fighting, playing well and winning 3-0. From then on the tide seemed to turn, almost literally. There was an almighty downpour in Perugia creating atrocious conditions, as if God himself was routing for the Aquile. Despite everyone expecting Perugia to roll over they fought hard and even though Juventus had a team including Zinedine Zidane and Del Piero, they could not break them down. Then Perugia struck in the 50th minute and held out, giving Lazio their second Scudetto.

While it is unlikely it will happen in such incredible, dramatic style this season, Lazio do have a chance of once again winning the Scudetto. In the decade since their last one the club have seen it all: amazing success winning the double in 2000, despair when forced to sell club idol Alessandro Nesta and other star names at the end of the Cragnotti era leading to a rapid decline in results, controversy as they were embroiled in the Calciopoli (match fixing scandal) and round full circle to success, winning the Coppa Italia in 2009 and now challenging for the Scudetto.

Dating back to the iconic Georgio Chinaglia the club has always been controversial, proud and passionate. Rarely is there a dull moment at Lazio and two Scudetto’s in 110 years doesn’t do this enthralling club justice. Perhaps the talented current crop can right that wrong. If they can draw inspiration from the clubs passionate fans and turbulent history, then nothing will stop the Aquile flying high once more. (upper90magazine)

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5 Ways to Become a Better Footballer (Soccer Player)

, by testing

Football (or soccer as the 'non-Brits' refer to it as) is the most popular sport in the World. Millions of people play, at various levels, every single day. Most people play for fun, others professionally, however the aim of the game is almost always the same - WIN! During the course of the article I am going to suggest ways to becoming a better footballer (and thus increasing your and your teams chances of winning matches). All the suggestions made will result in improvements in your game, however some will take longer than others to 'flourish'. Here goes:-

Watch the top footballers and you will notice that they produce a lot of movement during the 90 minutes, often running 10-15km in the process. To do this requires high levels of cardiovascular fitness. To gain such fitness requires dedication and discipline. Another sport where participants have very high levels of fitness, probably more so than footballers, is boxing (maybe not always the heavyweights!). Therefore, my suggestion to improve your fitness would be train like a boxer! Not in sparring etc, but by rising early (ideally between 5-6am) and putting in a session. This should ideally include a distance run followed by cardiovascular activities such as skipping, star jumps etc. Add to that push-ups, crunchies and sit-ups and your fitness will begin to improve significantly. Ideally I would suggest your session should be no less than 1 hour, at least 4-5 times a week. Training so early will kick-start your metabolism for the day plus psychologically it will give you a sense achievement which should motivate you day ahead.

GOAL! Rise at 5.30am, 5 times a week and complete a 4-5Km run followed by 5 x 20 push-ups, 5 x 20 crunchies, 5 x 40 star jumps, 5 x 20 burpees, then hold the PLANK POSITION for as long as possible. TIP: This will seem difficult at first, but once you are into a routine it becomes easy. Have training clothes next to your bed and focus your mind so that you get out of bed immediately when your alarm goes off. Don't think about what your about to do, JUST DO IT!

You are what you eat / drink. You wouldn't put the incorrect fuel into your car, so why put it into your body? Your performance will be affected by what you eat / drink - in the short term and in the long term. Therefore, your overall diet should be well balanced with large potions of green vegetables and salad. Avoid junk food which you know to be detrimental to you - I don't need to list these foods, you know them already, but they just taste too good! Right? 'Garbabge' - they taste good at time of consumption, but how do you feel afterwards once your taste buds have returned to state - I'm guessing it's not great! Improving at anything requires discipline and often sacrifice. Give up the junk food and the benefits which follow will be far in excess of the 'quick fix' pleasure these foods provide.

Your water intake should be high - you should never actually feel thirsty as this is an early sign of dehydration. Replace consumption of fizzy drinks, tea and coffee with water. Drink a minimum of 2 litres and maximum of 5 litres (dependant on body size and intensity of exercise(s) performed) each day. Carry water with you at all-times, don't leave dehydration any invitations into your body!

GOAL! Drink 2-5 litres of water everyday, whilst avoiding fizzy drinks, tea and coffee. Eat portion(s) of green vegetables / salad or fruit with every meal. Snack every 2-4 hours on fruit / salad / vegetables or nuts. Eliminate junk food from your diet completely. TIP: Discipline and dedication are again the key. You don't become an extraordinary footballer by doing ordinary things!

Temperament and focus before, during and after a match is a key ingredient to making a footballer better. Before a match you should focus on what the overall aim is. That focus must remain strong and constant throughout. This should not make you fearful or nervous, but ultimately guide you towards achievement. If you make an error or wastes an opportunity, this should not affect your focus as your goal is still the same. It is unlikely that your overall aim was to score at that particular moment or not to make that error at that exact time. Therefore, concentrate on what you can achieve in the remaining time, there will be plenty of time to review performance after the match has finished.

Finally, once the match has ended focus on winning or losing with dignity. This will not just make you a better footballer, but a better person. GOAL!: Before a match spend 15-30 minutes focusing on what you actually want to achieve. Be clear of your outcome. So often people fail because they don't know exactly what they are wanting to achieve.

Not every footballer can do the things Cristiano Ronaldo, Zindine Zidane or Lionel Messi can do. But, all footballers can learn to do the simple skills often and well. I'm not trying to banish 'flare' and extravagant skill, rather dilute it. Learning to play short passes accurately and directly 100% of the time is an enormous advantage to any player. Great players, such as Paul Scholes and Claude Makele, are experts at doing the easy things well. This is something all players should adopt.

GOAL! Practice short passes, correct positioning, striking off the ball, tackling etc often and for a long period of time. Many players believe because they have mastered a technique they don't have to practice it any more - when in fact mastery and improvement comes from repeatedly practising an already learned skill. This sort of dedication and commitment ensures that in the crucial moments of a game when performing a skill or technique is vital you will be prepared.

Why re-invent the wheel? If you want to become a top footballer, benchmark a top footballer. They may have natural skill, but to get to the level they have achieved is not by chance. If you want to get to the level of a certain player(s) copy what they do on a regular basis (the beauty of benchmarking is you can take the positives and eliminate any negative routines the player may have!). With footballers living their life in the media spotlight and all sorts of data being openly available on the internet, it's never been easier to benchmark.

GOAL! Chose a World Class player(s) you admire both on and off the pitch. Collect information regarding their diet, training methods and fitness ideas. Study their movement and all-round play in a number of games. Record games which they have played extremely well and analyse their qualities. Possibly contact them directly for advice and hints - if done elegantly, with your reasons for contacting them clearly stated, they should be more than happy to oblige.

Combine all the above with belief and you will most definitely become a better footballer. (ezinearticles)

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